How I optimized the backend architecture & codebase

In a landscape where financial wellness is paramount, a pioneering platform has emerged to revolutionize how employers and employees navigate their financial paths within Indonesia. This platform stands as a beacon, offering the tools and knowledge necessary for individuals to seize control of their financial destinies.

Yet, amidst this mission lay challenges that demanded innovative solutions. The platform, initially hosted on Google Cloud Platform (GCP), faced a significant hurdle—the burden of high operational costs. The financial strain had become a pressing issue, urging a swift restructuring of their cloud infrastructure.

The platform's reliance on GCP presented its own set of challenges. Over time, the platform had outgrown the suitability of GCP, grappling with escalating costs and feeling increasingly constrained. Utilizing Google's Pub/Sub for messaging posed specific obstacles, prompting a reevaluation of their tech stack.

Moreover, a critical aspect of their operations involved the judicious use of cron jobs, executed predominantly during the night. This routine exerted a heavy toll on CPU resources, pushing utilization levels dangerously close to 90%, threatening optimal system performance.

The need for a robust and cost-effective alternative was evident, paving the way for an ambitious migration to Amazon Web Services (AWS). This move aimed not only to curb the mounting expenses but also to enhance flexibility, scalability, and overall operational efficiency.

The Kubernetes pods are running in replicas for more efficient CPU usage and to guarantee continuous operation. In addition, we built a DevOps pipeline for the client to ensure a quick, secure and simple deployment process. We scaled the cluster to handle millions of transactions per day on the site.

In this transformative journey, the platform sought to address the intricacies of the transition from GCP to AWS, optimize database and application architecture, streamline operations with NestJS and API gateway patterns, and embrace automation through cron jobs. The aim was not merely migration but a complete transformation, achieving an environment where costs are controlled, and efficiency is amplified, thus fortifying their mission to revolutionize financial wellness in Indonesia.